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Multimodal project gets underway at Zilker Park

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 by Tai Moses

A shared-use path now under construction will soon “transform an intimidating 0.7-mile stretch of Barton Springs Road and Stratford Drive into a comfortable and walkable destination.” The improvements, made possible via a collaboration between the Public Works, Transportation and Parks departments, along with the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Zilker Botanical Garden, “will transform pedestrian, bicycle and transit access to Zilker Park, Zilker Botanical Garden, and the Austin Nature and Science Center.” The project is estimated to take about 12 to 18 months to complete and will include a landscaped buffer zone between the shared-use path and traffic lanes; enhancements to bus stops; and a pedestrian hybrid beacon near the entrance to the botanical garden. Find out more on the project fact sheet.

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