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Duncan Neighborhood Park gets a refresh

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 by Beth Bond

A ribbon-cutting at Duncan Neighborhood Park, 900 W. Ninth St., is planned for 11 a.m. Saturday, April 13, when enhancements to the park will be unveiled, including a wetland feature with an overlook area created by the removal of 420 cubic yards of soil, which was later added to the BMX section of the park. Additional improvements include an ADA-accessible path from Ninth Street to 10th Street, an enhanced connection to the Shoal Creek Hike and Bike Trail, new picnic tables, a drinking fountain, park benches and new trees. Two meadow planting areas were also added to the grounds to enhance the natural setting and provide biodiversity. Wildflower areas were established to reintroduce native ecosystems, and native landscape plant materials were used to improve water quality. The 2012 Prop 14 Park Bond and the 2018 Prop C Park Bond funded the projects. The ribbon-cutting ceremony is open to the public. Visit the the Duncan Park Improvements page for more information.

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