About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Fake QR codes found on city parking stations
Tuesday, January 4, 2022 by Elizabeth Pagano
Austin Transportation has put out a warning about fraudulent QR codes found on parking pay stations. According to a press release from the department, the sham QR codes link to a site that has no connection to the city and “may have been created with malicious intent.” Detectives from APD’s financial crimes unit are investigating the stickers and ask anyone who has paid for city parking through a QR code to file a police report and notify their card issuer. Anyone who witnesses an unbadged person messing with a pay station is encouraged to call 911. In the meantime, APD wants motorists to remember that Austin Transportation collects payment for parking through cash or card at pay stations or via the Park ATX app, not through a website.
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