About the Author
Jo Clifton is the Politics Editor for the Austin Monitor.
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Final Council meeting on Dec. 20
Thursday, December 9, 2021 by Jo Clifton
Mayor Steve Adler said Wednesday he anticipated City Council would have a special called meeting on Dec. 20 to approve formation of a tax increment reinvestment zone, or TIRZ, for the South Central Waterfront area, which includes the former Austin American-Statesman property. Council Member Kathie Tovo has said she would be ready to add the property at 426 W. Riverside Drive, called the Snoopy PUD, into the TIRZ area when it comes before Council on Thursday. However, staff members explained that she could not do that without a public hearing, and there has not been sufficient time to advertise a hearing in the Statesman. Council Member Alison Alter expressed opposition to adding the PUD into the TIRZ, but it’s not clear what other Council members think about the issue.
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