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Formal negotiations on long-term police contracts start this week
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 by Beth Bond
On Wednesday, the city of Austin and the Austin Police Association (APA) will start formal negotiations on a new long-term contract. A news release from the city reads, “All parties agree that a long-term contract is in the best interest of the community and are committed to finding a resolution. The goal is for any agreement reached between the APA and the City’s bargaining team to address community concerns, navigate current legal challenges, and garner Council approval.” The meetings are open to the public, but attendees will not be able to speak or engage in the negotiations. They are set for 10 a.m. March 13 at the Human Resources Department (LRC), 5202 E. Ben White Blvd., Room 204 (Auditorium), Suite 500, and also at 10 a.m. March 20 at a location to be determined. The meetings will be livestreamed here.
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