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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Garza fast-tracks solutions at city animal shelter
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
In addition to the audit currently underway at the Austin Animal Center, interim City Manager Jesús Garza has asked Deven Desai, former chief labor relations officer, to evaluate and implement a number of recommendations concerning the shelter’s operation. The response comes in advance of the audit results, but according to a July 14 memo from Garza, Desai’s temporary assignment will extend to responding to those recommendations, which are expected this fall. “Over the last few years, (the center) has seen a record number of animals enter its facility which has presented a less than ideal situation in housing and caring for more animals than the shelter was originally constructed to house,” wrote Garza. “I recognize this has been a difficult situation for the staff, volunteers, and the animals in our care. You have shared your concerns with me and have received communications from constituents on this issue. I take the concerns very seriously.” Desai recently left his post with the city to serve as the director of employee and labor relations at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
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