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Getting an early jump on endorsements

Monday, August 4, 2014 by Michael Kanin

The Austin Police Association political action committee has endorsed several candidates running for Austin City Council in the fall election. Their endorsement is an important sign of strength for each of those gaining their support. In District 1, the APA PAC selected neighborhood leader Ora Houston. In District 2, the group unsurprisingly endorsed Delia Garza, an assistant attorney general who previously served as an Austin firefighter. So far, Garza’s campaign has been more visible than that of her opponent, neighborhood leader Edward Reyes… The police PAC also endorsed District 4 candidate Katrina Daniel, one of three strong contenders, we think, in a district divided by I-35. Daniel will have to beat Greg Casar, Laura Pressley and seven other candidates in this district if all those who have designated treasurers actually file for the office…Robert Thomas was the APA PAC choice for District 10. Thomas, of course, faces Mandy Dealey, Jason Meeker, Sherri Gallo, Margie Burciaga, Tina Cannon, Matt Lamon and Bill Worsham in a race that could easily go into a Dec. 16 runoff… Dealey has the support of the Network of Asian-American Organizations, which praised her longtime involvement with charitable, cultural and civic organizations, including service on six boards and commissions over the years… The police association political arm did not immediately endorse candidates in the other races.

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