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Give some healthy feedback
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 by Tai Moses
It takes a village to keep people healthy. That’s the idea behind the Austin/Travis County Community Health Plan, which is described as a “collaborative planning initiative organized and implemented by health care and social service providers throughout the Austin/Travis County area.” The plan sets health priorities and focus areas for three years, but in order to do that properly, community input is critical. So Austin Public Health is holding a public meeting to solicit feedback on what makes – and keeps – the community healthy. Don’t worry, things won’t get too personal: “Questions will be very general and focus on health needs and barriers to health.” There are several ways to participate. You can register on Zoom to take part in the virtual discussion on Thursday, Nov. 18, from 6:30-8 p.m. Or, you can call into a special radio show hosted by KAZI FM 88.7 on Friday, Nov. 19, from 6-7 p.m. Finally, you may complete a survey and leave your comments at SpeakUpAustin.
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