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Goode lays out process for appointing new ATP board member

Thursday, April 6, 2023 by Jo Clifton

With the resignation of Board Member Tony Elkins, the Austin Transit Partnership is now looking for a community expert in finance to join the ATP board. They are looking for someone to complete Elkins’ term, which ends in January, 2025, according to a memo from Assistant City Manager Robert Goode.

In that memo, Goode laid out a proposed timeline for selecting a new member. The board is looking for someone “with at least 10 years of experience in finance, financial management, banking, or investing with a focus on large capital projects.” The director will be selected through a nomination process, which involves chairs of the City Council Audit and Finance Committee (Alison Alter) the City Council Mobility Committee (Paige Ellis), the CapMetro Finance, Audit and Administration Committee (Matt Harriss), and the CapMetro Operations, Planning and Safety Committee (Eric Stratton). According to Goode’s timeline, the Council will consider the nominating committee’s recommendation on July 20 and the Capital Metro Board of Directors will consider the recommendation on July 24. The new member will begin serving on August 23.

This whisper has been changed to correct the Audit and Administration Committee representative. 

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