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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Henry Green Madison Cabin at Rosewood Park to be restored
Thursday, June 15, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
The city’s parks department is teaming up with the Austin Parks Foundation to restore the historic Henry Green Madison Cabin at Rosewood Park. The cabin, which was built in the early 1860s by Austin’s first African American City Council member, was designated a state landmark in 1974 and a city landmark in 1976. “We are grateful to the partners joining us in supporting the restoration of the Henry Green Madison Cabin,” said Colin Wallis of Austin Parks Foundation in a statement. “Rosewood Park has an important history as a cultural gathering space in our city, and we are honored to restore the historic assets that help tell the story of Austin’s African American community.” Henry Green Madison, who was born into slavery in Memphis, Tennessee, had a life of political engagement in Austin that included participation in the Reconstruction and service as an assistant at the Texas Constitutional Convention of 1868-69 and captain of an African American unit in the Sixth Regiment of the Texas State Guard. The restoration will be funded in part by a $30,000 grant from the city’s Heritage Preservation Grant Program, $55,000 from Austin Parks Foundation and additional funding from the Texas Historical Commission and the Texas Preservation Trust Fund. To celebrate the restoration, Austin Parks Foundation and the Parks and Recreation Department will have a booth at the upcoming Juneteenth celebration at the park, where more information about the cabin and its restoration will be on hand.
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