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How should Montopolis play?

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

The Austin Parks Foundation and the Parks and Recreation Department are looking for feedback on a new Montopolis playground this Wednesday. To gather information, the groups are hosting an open house filled with project information in order to weigh the public’s preferences on how the renovation of Montopolis Neighborhood Park should look. The revamp of the plan came out of feedback gathered during planning for a major overhaul of the Montopolis pool, where “the community expressed a desire for more shade around the park and a nature play area to increase play opportunities. Coupled with the need for improved drainage in the existing playground area, Austin Parks Foundation will lead the project to renovate the playground and provide the community with updated amenities and play opportunities. The renovation of the existing playground will include new play equipment, play surfacing, improved drainage, concrete walks, seating, shade, and nature play elements,” according to a press release from the parks department. Wednesday’s pop-up open house will take place at the Montopolis Recreation and Community Center from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Those unable to attend can provide feedback online through an upcoming survey that will be open this month.

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