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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Keep Austin rhyming: O. Henry Museum launches limerick contest
Thursday, June 29, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
As a way of remembering O. Henry
Austin has jokingly honored his legacy
Puns weren’t enough
(This rhyme is tough)
So now we’ve expanded to poetry
That’s right. The city’s O. Henry Museum is branching all the way out to limericks with its latest contest, the Lone Star Limericks online writing competition, which is free and open to the public. Submissions, which can be in video, image or text, are open July 1-22 here. What is the contest, exactly? Per the city: “Pay tribute to this great city and state’s people, places, sights, and sounds by immortalizing (or gently mocking) them in verse! Your limerick can reference anything about Texas or Austin – your favorite (or least favorite) Texas person, city or state park, wildflower, animal, road trip experience, (barbecue) joint, I-35 exit, debilitating allergen – the sky’s the limit! Just keep it short and snappy, and family-friendly!”
The public will be able to view and vote on their favorite limericks July 23-31, with winners announced on Aug. 1.
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