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Community Engagement Opportunity
MoHA opens call for residency exchange for queer Austin artists
Thursday, March 7, 2024 by Beth Bond
Queer artists focused on live performance are invited to apply for a residency offering the time, space, freedom and financial support to concentrate on the development of their own work for one month at the multidisciplinary arts org Warehouse9 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Museum of Human Achievement (MoHA) and the Unlisted Projects residency program have partnered with Warehouse9 for an international residency exchange – with one artist from Texas going to Denmark and one artist from Denmark coming to Austin. This residency is designed to support artistic development and facilitate cultural exchange, and forge long-term connections between artists, organizations and the greater communities of Texas and Denmark, with a special commitment to the intersection of LGBTQIA+ issues and environmental sustainability practices. Artists will have the opportunity to present at Roskilde Festival, a nonprofit music, art, and activism festival in Denmark that supports humanitarian, cultural and nonprofit youth projects around the world. This opportunity is open to artists living in the Greater Austin area, 21+ years old, showing a strong professional working history. A variety of disciplines are accepted, including (but not limited to) visual arts, media/new genre, performance, architecture, film/video, interdisciplinary arts, sound art and music composition, and choreography. For more details on the open call, the timeline and the residency itself, visit MoHA’s website.
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