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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Montopolis Pool to remain open this summer, new playground news on the way
Thursday, March 14, 2024 by Elizabeth Pagano
Plans for a fancy new city pool in Montopolis are moving forward, though the current pool will remain open for the upcoming swim season that starts on June 3. In the meantime, according to a parks press release, “The project team continues to work through permitting nuances… and anticipate the Site Plan Permit to be issued by the end of the summer. Because of this timeline, the team is now expecting construction to begin in the fall of 2024.” The adjusted timeline means the pool will be closed for only one swim season, in 2025, and will reopen in the summer of 2026. In addition, the nearby playground now has a new concept with renovations to include new play equipment, enhanced drainage, new paths and shade structures. Community engagement results are now posted on the playground project website, with images to follow on April 1.
This whisper has been changed since publication. We originally reported there were permitting issues with floodplains and water quality ponds, but that was an error in the press release.
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