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Mt. Bonnell marker to be installed

Sunday, December 14, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano

Tuesday isn’t just Election Day — it’s also the day that the long battle to install a granite marker on Mount Bonnell will officially end. The monument will be installed at the base of the park stairs at 8 a.m. Tuesday. The monument commemorates the donation of the park to the county by the Covert family, who also funded it. It was designed by O’Connell Robertson of Austin and is carved in the form of a north-south cross section of Mount Bonnell. The old limestone marker, which has been in disrepair for years, is now being partially protected from further deterioration by a roofed wire cage, and will be restored through grants from the city and the Texas Historical Commission. Plans to construct a viewing area at the top of the mountain are underway, with fundraising for that project to begin next year.


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