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Music proponents amp up push for city to support Red River Cultural District

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 by Chad Swiatecki

The Red River Cultural District has stepped up its call for city assistance to help cover festival programming and operational expenses for the downtown cluster of music venues and restaurants. On Tuesday, the RRCD issued a press release chronicling the challenges facing music venues, including substantial increases in liability insurance costs, and listing how the district would use an annual payment of between $150,000 and $300,000 that other cultural districts receive. One of the deliverables would be a comprehensive economic analysis to document the business impact delivered by festivals and other programming in the district throughout the year. Earlier this month, the Music Commission voted to support the RRCD’s request, with the hope of including it in midyear budget amendments. If not taken up in the coming months, the request would have to wait until possible inclusion in the city’s next budget that goes into effect in the fall.

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