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Neighborhood advocate and former ZAP member David King dies

Friday, June 7, 2024 by Amy Smith

David King, a longtime neighborhood advocate and frequent voice at City Council meetings, died Sunday after a lengthy illness. King, who was retired from the state, was active in the Austin Neighborhoods Council and other community causes. King was known for his kindness and generosity, as well as his ability to quickly immerse himself in a number of policy issues before Council. He briefly served as president of ANC before stepping down to serve on the Zoning and Platting Commission as an appointee of Council Member Ann Kitchen. ANC’s Mary Ingle said her friendship with King extended beyond City Hall and ANC meetings as she would often join King and his husband, Luis Guerra, for dinner and drinks and lots of laughs. “We always had the best time,” she said. “David’s ebullience and his passion for issues was unlimited. And it was unstoppable. We will all miss him.”

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