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Nick Barbaro retires as publisher of ‘The Austin Chronicle’

Friday, March 21, 2025 by Jo Clifton

Nick Barbaro, co-founder of The Austin Chronicle, and publisher for the past 43 years, has retired and named longtime staffer Cassidy Frazier as the new publisher. Barbaro will continue as president of the Austin Chronicle Corporation, “and will resume his role of canine chauffeur whenever the new Chronicle dog is identified,” according to the publication’s press release. Frazier has worked at the Chronicle for more than 25 years, starting as a classified ad salesperson and working her way up to associate publisher. The print publisher’s job will be harder than ever, she notes, because of “the obstacles of rising printing costs (thanks to the latest tariffs) and ongoing news media challenges.” Nevertheless, she expresses optimism and commitment to producing independent news. She is also a board member of AAN, the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, and currently serves as secretary.

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