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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Friday, March 3, 2017 by Elizabeth Pagano
In what was essentially a repeat of Tuesday’s discussion, City Council opted to “indefinitely postpone” Council Member Ellen Troxclair’s affordability omnibus in a 6-5 vote on Thursday. Mayor Steve Adler and Council members Troxclair, Flannigan, Houston and Kitchen voted against the postponement, which Troxclair argued was a way to send it away forever without doing so explicitly. During the discussion, many Council members said they would be unable to support the sweeping resolution, given the fact that some of the proposals were underway and others shouldn’t be implemented at all. In particular, Council Member Delia Garza worried about the consequences of keeping the city’s property tax rate flat and how that could negatively impact city services. On the other hand, Adler’s strategy to include a revamp of the city’s economic incentives to focus on bringing jobs to the city’s Eastern Crescent and middle-class workers paid off. That resolution passed in a unanimous vote of 10-0, with Troxclair absent for the vote, following the postponement of the omnibus.
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