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Overcrowded shelter waives adoption fees

Thursday, June 23, 2022 by Tai Moses

In a desperate bid to get animals out of the overcrowded shelter and into their forever homes, the Austin Animal Center is waiving its adoption fees “until further notice.” The space crisis at the shelter, which has 1,081 dogs and cats currently in its care, has become so dire that 23 dogs don’t even have kennels and are being housed in crates in the shelter’s conference room, according to a news release from AAC.  Spokesperson Kelsey Cler said that the shelter “even rented an air-conditioned construction trailer to put crates in. Unfortunately all of those spaces are now full and our only option is to house dogs in crates outside in front of evaporation coolers.” The shelter hopes that several upcoming adoption events will move Austinites either to adopt or volunteer to foster a shelter pet. On Friday, June 24, the shelter will stay open until 9 p.m. “for adoptions and a glow stick party.” On Saturday, June 25, the shelter will hold its annual KittyPalooza event, with over 30 kittens available for adoption starting at 8 a.m. And on Saturday, July 2, from 9 a.m.-noon, Travis County residents can bring their pets in to get microchipped and vaccinated for rabies.

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