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Wednesday, December 15, 2021 by Elizabeth Pagano
City opens I-35 stitch session
With plans moving forward for a massive $4.9 billion project to expand and lower Interstate 35 through downtown Austin, the city and the Downtown Austin Alliance have turned their attention to how “cap and stitch” might help close the gap. The public is invited to weigh in on the plan via a new virtual open house that offers an overview of the project and illuminates the potential of plazas that would span the highway (caps) and enhanced bridges over the road (stitches). The open house begins today, and features a video presentation on the project and a chance to offer feedback through a survey. Both can be found online here.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 by Elizabeth Pagano
Happy (cautious) NYE!
Given the recent appearance of the Omicron variant, Austin officials are inviting everyone to watch fireworks “from afar” this New Year’s Eve. Though the fireworks will be set off from Vic Mathias Shores as usual, vendors and entertainment will not be in the park, and everyone is encouraged to watch from a safe distance to prevent a post-holiday Covid surge. The show will begin at 10:00 p.m. and will be broadcast on and Channel 6. Roads in the “fireworks fall out zone” will begin closing at 8:00 p.m. and will reopen by midnight. In addition, Lady Bird Lake will be closed from 9:00 until midnight between the railroad trestle bridge and the South First Street bridge.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 by Tai Moses
Be a vaccination volunteer
Without a doubt, getting vaccinated is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others from Covid-19. So, what’s the second most important thing you can do? Help other community members get vaccinated, of course. One very practical way to help is to lend a hand at a vaccine clinic. Sign up here if you’d like to learn more about volunteering at Travis County’s clinics in either a clinical or non-clinical role, including translating or signing people in.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 by Tai Moses
Utility seeks community ambassadors
Austin Water is seeking community ambassadors – volunteers to help the utility reach out and engage the community in its efforts to update Austin’s 100-year water resource plan, Water Forward. The ambassadors “will engage with people in their networks to have conversations about water supply and demand issues, identify key concerns and priorities for these communities, and share their findings.” The update has a particular focus on equity, so the ambassadors “will help develop and incorporate community values into an Equity and Affordability Road Map and Tool for the Water Forward Plan update.” Austin Water encourages members of communities that have been historically underrepresented to apply (e.g., communities of color, LGBTQIA+ identities, people with past records, etc.). The term is one full year, beginning in February 2022. Learn more and apply here by Jan. 7.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 by Elizabeth Pagano
With Council approval, Austin Water to undertake water service line replacement project
In an effort to improve the reliability of its service, Austin Water is now set to replace more than 2,000 polybutylene and polyethylene water service lines in over 60 subdivisions. The pipes, which were popular in the late 1960s through the 1980s, have become brittle and prone to breakage over time. The water utility estimates that Austin saw the installation of 25,000 water service lines, which connect private plumbing to water mains, during that time. So far, the city has replaced about 3,000, prioritizing pipes with higher water pressure.
City Council unanimously approved a $9.5 million contract for service line replacement at its Dec. 9 meeting. In addition, Austin Water will continue to replace pipes themselves. A map of the areas that will receive water service line updates can be found here. Affected customers will be notified before work on their pipes begins.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 by Tai Moses
MoPac South study needs input
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation are asking community members to participate in the MoPac South Environmental Study, a report on an 8-mile stretch of MoPac Expressway (Loop 1). According to the announcement, the “project team is working to identify a solution that improves safety and mobility for drivers, transit riders, bicyclists and pedestrians in a manner that promotes environmental stewardship and sustainability.” The virtual open house is open until Jan. 7. Watch the welcome video first, then review all of the materials and exhibits at your leisure before submitting your remarks.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 by Tai Moses
Help brand your city
As part of Austin’s branding initiative, the city is asking residents and visitors alike to share their stories about Austin – stories that portray what Austin is all about. Input from the community will help the city in its efforts to create a “consistent and clear” brand. The branding team encourages people to think about the things, experiences, relationships or sights that make them feel connected to Austin. You could be a longtime resident or a new transplant; perhaps you own a business, are raising a family or attending school here. You might have had a memorable experience with a city program or service, or a beautiful afternoon walking in a park or along a trail. Learn more about the initiative and share your stories on SpeakUp Austin.
Monday, December 13, 2021 by Elizabeth Pagano
Complaints against Pritchard dismissed
The city’s Ethics Review Commission has dismissed complaints alleging Caleb Pritchard violated the city code.
“It’s complicated and confusing, but not wrong,” said Commissioner Donna Beth McCormick.
Zenobia Joseph filed a complaint alleging Pritchard ran afoul of city law by working for the Mobility for All political action committee while employed by Mayor Pro Tem Natasha Harper-Madison. Joseph also alleged that Pritchard had committed election fraud by working on a campaign in favor of 2020’s Proposition A. Her argument was, essentially, that the Project Connect campaign and Prop A ballot presented a fraudulent picture that stood in opposition to Pritchard’s reporting, which demonstrated a more thorough knowledge of the issue.
A motion to dismiss the charges passed in a vote of 6-1.
Commissioners who voted to dismiss the complaints reasoned that Pritchard was not a member of a body with discretionary authority, and therefore could not have violated statutes that did not apply to him. Commissioner Sidney Williams, who voted against the motion, argued that the appearance of impropriety was “all over this situation” and that though he was not technically a member of a voting body, Pritchard had influence over a voting member by virtue of his employment.
Pritchard, who remains a member of Harper-Madison’s staff and is a former reporter for the Austin Monitor, did not speak at the hearing and instead submitted a statement of fact to the commission that was read into the record. In that statement, he explained he worked for the PAC during a time he was not employed by Harper-Madison. He was hired by the office again on Dec. 7, nearly a month after voters approved Prop A, though he did collect a final check for his consulting work on Dec. 31.
As for the other complaint, Pritchard concluded, “I cannot fathom there would be any jurisdiction on any planet in any dimension on any timeline where it would be considered ethically unseemly for a transit advocate to advocate for transit (though I’ll concede that if there were, it would definitely be Texas).”
Monday, December 13, 2021 by Tai Moses
Chamber unveils business award winners
The Austin Chamber of Commerce has announced the winners of its 21st Annual Greater Austin Business Awards, its annual recognition of “excellence in business achievement and community contributions that make the Central Texas region a better place to live and work,” according to the chamber. Forty-eight companies were nominated across 15 categories, from company culture and educational advancement to environmental champion and economic impact. Laura Huffman, chamber president and CEO, said the awards are the chamber’s way of thanking “those who make our region such a uniquely diverse place to live and work. The unmatched strengths of our business community, its leaders and the dynamic talent have been working together to continue Austin’s legacy of being one of the most special places to do business in the world.” Peter Pan Mini Golf nabbed this year’s Uniquely Austin honor, the one award selected by public voting. The other winners were selected by an independent panel of judges. Find the complete list of nominees and recipients here.
Monday, December 13, 2021 by Tai Moses
Ready for winter? KUT wants to know.
Austin’s NPR station, KUT 90.5, is inviting community members to share their experiences from last February’s winter storm for a special report. Specifically, the radio station wants to know, “Did the winter storm and the blackout in February change how you think about winter in Texas? What, if anything, are you doing differently this year to prepare? Stocking up on food, water or firewood? Installing a generator or solar panels? Tell us about what changed for you and how you’re planning ahead.” No writing necessary; the online form allows respondents to record their own words. Submit your response.
Monday, December 13, 2021 by Tai Moses
Get vaccinated for the holidays
OK, so maybe you’re fully vaccinated against Covid-19, but what about your friends, neighbors and colleagues? Maybe someone you know needs a ride to a vaccine clinic, or a hand to hold when the jab goes in? Luckily, Travis County, Austin Public Health and their community partners continue to host free and very convenient Covid-19 vaccine distribution events at schools, libraries and grocery stores throughout the county. Booster shots are also available for those who qualify (check the eligibility requirements here). If you’re receiving your second dose or a booster, remember to bring your vaccination card so it can be updated. Travis County maintains a complete list of clinic locations in this handy online calendar and map. No appointments are needed.
Friday, December 10, 2021 by Jo Clifton
Harper-Madison completes year as mayor pro tem
Last January, City Council members selecting the next mayor pro tem were torn between two choices: Natasha Harper-Madison or Alison Alter. Mayor Steve Adler proposed a solution giving Harper-Madison the job for 2021, with Alter taking over for 2022. At Thursday’s Council meeting, Adler acknowledged Harper-Madison’s work over the past year and thanked her for performing the largely ceremonial duties. He said, “I also think it’s been important this year to introduce you and talk about you to the wider community. I think as a woman of color, a Black woman in this period of time with so many conversations being held about systemic racism and institutional barriers, our community being able to see you in this role I think has been important.” In particular, he said it was important for young people trying to figure out what kinds of possibilities are available to them. For her part, Harper-Madison said her aunts have expressed their pride to see her taking her seat on the dais. She said she was particularly happy, as a person who went to public schools and grew up in the projects, to show young people of color that they can be community leaders, too. Alter will begin her service as mayor pro tem next month.