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Wednesday, July 16, 2014 by Michael Kanin
Riley ahead in the money race for District 9
Yesterday, Council Member Kathie Tovo reported raising more than $41,000 in her contest against Council Member Chris Riley and a third candidate for the District 9 seat. But Riley raised more than $96,000, according to a press release from his campaign, which said he still had $65,000 cash on hand. Tovo’s report indicates she has about $31,000 cash. The Tovo report made it to the city website but the Riley report was not up last night. Neither was a report from the third candidate, Erin McGann, a political newcomer who lives in South Austin
Monday, July 14, 2014 by Michael Kanin
Today’s meetings
The Board of Adjustment/Sign Review Board meets at 5:30 p.m. at Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Springs Road . . . The Waterfront Planning Advisory Commission meets at 6 p.m. in the Boards and Commissions room at City Hall . . . The Historic Landmark Commission meets at 7 p.m. in Room 325 at One Texas Center, 505 Baron Springs Road . . . Note change in locations due to reconstruction of the Council dais.
Monday, July 14, 2014 by Michael Kanin
AISD seeks input on new superintendent
The Austin Independent School District is hosting a series of public forums to gather feedback on what parents and the community want in a new superintendent. Search firm Ray & Associates will develop a candidate profile from the input, officials said. Forums will take place at noon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Baker Center, 3908 Avenue B. Evening forums will be hosted from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Meetings are also set Tuesday at Bowie High School, 4103 W. Slaughter Lane; Reagan High School, 7104 Berkman Drive; Summitt Elementary School, 12207 Brigadoon Lane (Vietnamese interpretation provided); and Travis High School, 1211 E. Oltorf St. (in Spanish). Wednesday at Crockett High School, 5601 Manchaca Road; Eastside Memorial High School, 1012 Arthur Stiles Road (in Spanish); Lanier High School, 1201 Payton Gin Road; and McCallum High School, 5600 Sunshine Drive. Thursday at Akins High School, 10701 S First St. (in Spanish); Anderson High School, 8403 Mesa Drive; Austin High School, 1715 W. Cesar Chavez St.; and LBJ Early College High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive. For more information, visit this link.
Monday, July 14, 2014 by Michael Kanin
Flood recovery meeting tonight
The third of three city open house meetings to offer information about the recovery from the October 2013 floods in Onion and Williamson Creeks is set tonight at Perez Elementary School. The open house will offer the opportunity for residents to visit with city staff from a variety of departments including Austin Resource Recovery, the Austin Fire Department, Code Compliance, Health and Human Services, Neighborhood Housing and Community Development, Planning and Development Review, Real Estate Services and Watershed Protection. Spanish language interpreters will be available as well as supervised children’s activities. The meeting is set for 5:30 p.m. at Perez Elementary, 7500 Pleasant Valley Road. For more information, visit this link.
Monday, July 14, 2014 by Michael Kanin
Riley releases campaign contributions
District 9 Council Candidate Chris Riley reports that he has raised more than $96,000 for his campaign as of the June 30 deadline. His first campaign finance report of this cycle, which covers funds raised in the seven weeks between May 8 and June 30, will be filed Tuesday with the city. Campaign manager Bill Blome said more than 420 contributors gave to Riley’s campaign for District 9, which stretches from Travis Heights to Mueller and includes much of Central Austin, Downtown and the UT campus. Riley’s campaign took in $95,476 in financial contributions, received another $675.17 in in-kind donations and will report over $65,000 cash on hand
Monday, July 14, 2014 by Michael Kanin
Kerr named to lead international group
Austin Fire Chief Rhoda Mae Kerr has been elected to the First Vice President position of the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ board of directors, a first for a woman in its 140-year history. Kerr will be installed at the association’s annual Fire-Rescue International Conference in Dallas later this summer. “Chief Kerr has been breaking glass ceilings and paving the way for generations of women in the fire service since she began her career more than 30 years ago,” City Manager Marc Ott said. “After five years, I still often remark that she was one of the best hires I ever made.” The association represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide. The Austin Fire Department, founded in 1857, is now one of the 20 largest departments in the country, with 45 fire stations throughout the city and more than 1,100 employees.
Monday, June 30, 2014 by Jenny Blair
Scandalous Whisper Here
Council Member John Smith said he saw Santa in his underwear.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 by Josh Peichoto
Pssst… it’s a secret.
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Thursday, May 29, 2014 by Josh Peichoto
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