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PALS helps homebound pets
Thursday, December 3, 2020 by Tai Moses
We don’t think about this much, but many dogs and cats, while they may be much loved by their owners, aren’t getting the proper care they need, such as regular walks and vet visits, because their guardians may be elderly, disabled or unable to leave their homes. Fortunately, Meals on Wheels Central Texas has a program called PALS (People Assisting the Lives of Seniors) that helps care for the pets of senior clients. PALS’ mission is to keep pets and their people together, whatever it takes. There are several ways we can help PALS with its mission. One of the greatest areas of need is transport; PALS volunteers may drive pets to their vet appointments or to the groomer. Volunteers also open their own homes for pets whose owners must go to the hospital for a short stay. And during the holiday season, PALS solicits donations of pet toys, beds and treats to make holiday gift bags for clients. Find out more about joining PALS’ volunteer team here. Watch this short video to learn more about PALS.
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