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Police chief interviews planned for July

Thursday, June 20, 2024 by Beth Bond

The search for Austin’s next police chief is underway after a year with the permanent role unfilled. According to the Austin American-Statesman, the pool of 32 applicants includes high-ranking officials from across the country as well as officers from nearby cities – but no one from the Austin Police Department. Candidate screening and evaluation by the search consultant Mosaic Public Partners is in progress, and City Manager T.C. Broadnax will choose the top candidates before the interview process begins in late July. The selection process began with two surveys sent to community members (with more than 1,200 responses) and to APD employees (with close to 550 responses). Next will come interviews with panels representatives from city departments and the city manager, then meetings with the mayor and City Council members, plus participation in a community event. Feedback from the mayor and Council members will inform Broadnax’s decision, and they must confirm his selected finalist.

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