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Redbud lane closures begin this week

Monday, January 25, 2021 by Tai Moses

The city is conducting geotechnical studies as part of its preliminary report for the Redbud Trail Bridge roadway and bridge project. According to the city, “The work will provide important design information for future bridge foundations.” During the study, lanes will be closed near the Redbud Trail Bridge for three weeks, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays. (Red Bud Isle Park will still be accessible.) The road closure will occur in three phases: Lane closures from Lake Austin Boulevard to Red Bud Isle Park, Jan. 25-29; westbound lane closure from Red Bud Isle to Stratford Lane, Feb. 1-5; and shoulder closure and lane shift near Stratford Lane, Feb. 8-11. Find more details at the project website.

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