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Rejoice! For a free shuttle service has come upon the land
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 by Tai Moses
Most Austinites have learned the bitter truth that parking at Barton Springs on the weekend is nigh on impossible. So the news of a free weekend shuttle service, starting this Saturday, June 25, should cause great jubilation within the populace. The shuttle bus – a pilot program from Parks and Recreation – will run every 20 minutes between the One Texas Center parking garage at 505 Barton Springs Road and Zilker Metropolitan Park. Two shuttles will operate from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday and during the Fourth of July and Labor Day holidays. Those who want to take advantage of the free shuttle service (and who among us doesn’t?) are advised to park at One Texas Center and get their parking tickets validated on the shuttle. In fact, “Parking tickets must be validated by the shuttle driver in order to not be charged the $10 parking fee at the parking garage.” So go forth and park and ride!
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