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Jo Clifton is the Politics Editor for the Austin Monitor.
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Resolution to seek homestead exemption
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 by Jo Clifton
Council members have a few items to chew on today during their work session ahead of Thursday’s Council meeting. That includes items from Council Members Kathie Tovo, Laura Morrison and Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, who are sponsoring a resolution asking city management to bring back an ordinance by Dec. 1 that would establish a small homestead exemption. That exemption, according to the resolution, would result in “not more than a $5,000 tax exemption” for local homeowners. Some members of the Council may point out that such a tiny exemption might save the average taxpayer about $25 a year but cost the city perhaps as much as $3 million. It seems like an item made for the political season.
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