About the Author
Chad Swiatecki is a 20-year journalist who relocated to Austin from his home state of Michigan in 2008. He most enjoys covering the intersection of arts, business and local/state politics. He has written for Rolling Stone, Spin, New York Daily News, Texas Monthly, Austin American-Statesman and many other regional and national outlets.
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Retirement trustees wanted
Friday, June 25, 2021 by Chad Swiatecki
The city is seeking applicants to serve as trustees for its Employee Retirement System. Trustees serve a four-year volunteer term and, with the executive director and other system officers, will oversee investment decisions, approve budgets and help make decisions on matters such as benefit payments and disability retirement applications. The City Council-appointed seats are open to any Austin resident, including current and retired city employees, who plans to live in the city for the next five years, with city employees, former employees or officers of an employer being ineligible to serve. Those interested in the position may submit a 500-word or less statement of interest and current resume vie email to city.clerk@austintexas.gov with a subject line reading “City of Austin Employee Retirement System, Statement of Interest.” Find more information about the system and the position online.
This whisper has been changed since publication to clarify that city employees and retired city employees are also eligible to serve on the Board in the designated elected member positions. More information about COAERS Board elections can be found here.
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