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Rodgers prevails in Pilot Knob suit against city
Monday, October 17, 2016 by Nora Ankrum
After hearing arguments earlier this month, Judge Stephen Yelenosky ruled against the city on Friday in activist Brian Rodgers’ lawsuit over the Pilot Knob planned unit development, according to the Austin American-Statesman. City Council voted at a meeting last December to annex the Pilot Knob PUD, and in doing so, it granted the development $50 million to $80 million in fee waivers that are now void because of the judge’s decision. Several Council members have said that they did not realize that they were agreeing to such a large amount when they voted on the PUD. Meanwhile, the agenda for that meeting gave no indication that Council would be voting on the waivers, which prompted Rodgers’ lawsuit. He argued that the city violated the Texas Open Meetings Act. Yelenosky agreed.
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