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Save Austin Now endorses 3 (or so) races

Monday, October 24, 2022 by Jo Clifton

Save Austin Now, which brought us the successful referendum to reinstate the city prohibition against camping as well as the unsuccessful proposition that would have required the city to hire more police officers, has issued what might be described as an anti-endorsement. In addition, the group has endorsed three conservatives for City Council seats. The political action committee has called out Celia Israel for her votes in the Legislature against measures requiring the city to add more funding to its police department and criminalizing camping. Both bills passed. Save Austin Now PAC’s press release directs voters to look at the websites of Kirk Watson and Jennifer Virden to decide how to vote in that race. However, the PAC did endorse Clinton Rarey, who is running against incumbent Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison. The group also endorsed Richard Smith, who is on the ballot against incumbent Council Member Paige Ellis. The group’s third endorsement is for Greg Smith in the District 9 race. Council Member Kathie Tovo is retiring, so there is no incumbent in that race.

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