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Sierra Club announces endorsements

Thursday, October 2, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano

Though it hasn’t yet decided whom to endorse in the mayor’s race, Austin Sierra Club released its list of candidate endorsements for the other 10 places on City Council on Wednesday evening. In a news release from the group, members noted the challenge of picking just one candidate per district and commented on the new 10-1 system, writing, “The switch to districts will be a good thing to elevate local concerns, but Austin also needs a Council that will work together for the good of the entire city. We believe that our slate of endorsed candidates will do this.” That slate is as follows: Ora Houston (District 1), Delia Garza (District 2), Susana Almanza (District 3), Greg Casar (District 4), Ann Kitchen (District 5), Matt Stillwell (District 6), Leslie Pool (District 7), Ed Scruggs (District 8), Kathie Tovo (District 9) and Mandy Dealey (District 10).

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