About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Someday we’ll find it (the trailhead connection)
Thursday, June 15, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
Those hoping for a north-side trail connection between Pleasant Valley and the Colorado River Trailhead will have to hold on a little longer. Though City Council passed a resolution in December asking staff to explore the feasibility of such a connection, the exploration continues, according to a June 8 memo from Transportation and Public Works Department interim Director Richard Mendoza. The memo explains that a “high-level review” of providing a trail connection “identified challenges for this connection due to steep slopes that run along the river as well as private property that abut the embankment.” As a result, explains Mendoza, staff is now exploring the viability of an alternate alignment along Cesar Chavez Street that could achieve the same goals for pedestrians and cyclists. Staff is expected to report back on options and costs by mid-November of this year.
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