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Speak up at Bradshaw Road community open house on June 21
Thursday, June 15, 2023 by Eric Webb
The city will hold a community open house to review preliminary designs for the Bradshaw Road Substandard Street Project from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on June 21 at Southeast Branch Library (5803 Nuckols Crossing Road). “Substandard streets are publicly owned roadways within the City of Austin’s jurisdiction that do not meet current City of Austin requirements because they have pavement widths that are less than 24 feet and typically lack some curb and gutter, drainage, bicycle accommodations and sidewalk infrastructure,” according to a news release. The Bradshaw Road project includes a portion of Old Lockhart Road and extends from Slaughter Lane to River Plantation Drive. At the open house, members of the public can “meet with project managers, ask questions about the planned improvements and hear about next steps in the project’s process,” according to the release. Feedback gathered at the session will be used for the Preliminary Engineering Report for Bradshaw Road, expected to be completed this summer. For more information, visit the city’s website.
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