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Spillar announces his departure for a new job

Thursday, April 28, 2022 by Jo Clifton

After 14 years with the city, Austin transportation director Robert Spillar has announced that he’s taking a new job in the private sector. In a memo to department staff, Spillar noted that since he came on board, the Transportation Department has expanded from one person to 425 employees. Among his many accomplishments cited, the first was creating a “mobility first-focused department that operates without tax-funded support,” and the second was leading successful bond elections for local and regional mobility investments in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020, totaling $1.5 billion. Spillar’s last day in the office will be June 4. He said he intends to take a vacation for the next month and officially leave city employment on July 8. Although Spillar did not name the firm he’s going to work for, he said in the memo, “I will be helping to lead a national practice in smart cities, joining a private advisory firm that allows me to stay in the Austin area.” ATD has four assistant directors: Anthony Segura, Jim Dale, Jason JonMichael, and Anna Martin.

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