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St. David’s Foundation will grant up to $12M to support healthy communities

Thursday, August 1, 2024 by Beth Bond

Organizations focused on fostering healthier communities in Central Texas are eligible for two new funding opportunities: Open calls for the Housing + Health and Investing in Impact will provide one-time, unrestricted grants, and previous, current and new grantees are all eligible. The housing grant will provide up to $8 million in total to boost safe, healthy and affordable housing options for low- to moderate-income households. Nonprofit organizations, public entities and Central Texas collaboratives are invited to apply. The second open call will invest up to $4 million for low-resourced entities, including emerging nonprofits, grassroots organizations, neighborhood associations, informal community networks, community-based initiatives and community constituents working toward the Foundation’s mission of advancing health equity. To apply, submit an initial letter of intent by Sept. 13. Organizations that meet funding requirements will be invited to participate in a streamlined application process, and applications are due Oct. 25.

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