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Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Staff updates LDC amendment timeline
Friday, September 8, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano
A new memo from Planning Department Director Lauren Middleton-Pratt gives an update to active code amendments aimed at increasing housing in the city. The new chart detailing the timeline can be found here, but the memo notes a number of changes to the previous one. Though a number of the slew of amendments to the Land Development Code still have timelines that are to be determined, a proposal to eliminate minimum parking requirements across the city is scheduled to be adopted in mid-November. An amendment that would eliminate occupancy limits for unrelated adults is slated to go to the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee on Sept. 20. “The timing presented is subject to change based on future changes to priorities, resources, commission and community bandwidth, and additional analysis related to the complexity of certain amendments,” wrote Middleton-Pratt. “Additionally, an updated Active Code Amendments table on the LDC Amendments website provides further detail about each active code amendment on the chart, including a description of the amendment, the stage within the code amendment process (initiation, development and engagement, or review and adoption), current status, and the lead department.”
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