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Statesman rescinds Pressley endorsement

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 by Mark Richardson

The Austin American Statesman has rescinded its endorsement of candidate Laura Pressley in the race for the District 4 Council seat. The move came after media outlets such as the Austin Monitor, KUT Radio and the Austin Chronicle, among others, reported that prior to her current campaign for Council, Pressley has been out and about expressing views that many consider to be “on the fringe.” In the past, Pressley has campaigned against fluoride in Austin’s drinking water, concern over radiation from Austin Energy’s wireless “smart meters,” and belief in the notion that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center were an “inside job” perpetrated by the federal government. Reporters’ questions about some of her more extreme views have been deflected, with Pressley chiding them for not sticking to queries on her current views on issues such as affordability, urban rail and homestead exemptions. It’s not unusual for politicians for reinvent themselves to run for office, but considering the fact that Pressley’s last Council run was only two years ago, it’s a little surprising that the reinvention held this long. Though the statement came after the close of early voting, Statesman Viewpoint’s editor Tara Trower Doolittle said they would not endorse any District 4 candidate in today’s election but would examine the candidates closely should there be a runoff.

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