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Strange bedfellows in District 4

Monday, October 27, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano

In one of the more interesting moves to take place during this City Council election, three District 4 candidates have banded together to form an alliance and are speaking out about four candidates who they say moved to District 4 solely to run for office. Candidates Katrina Daniel, Sharon Mays and Roberto Perez Jr. issued a joint news release that stresses their deep roots in the district. It reads, in part, “The candidates all encouraged the voters to dig deeper and not be misled by expensive mailers sent from out-of-district interests” and also advertises a YouTube video of the three candidates, which they call the “most important 8 minutes in this election.” In that video, all three talk about their long-term ties to the area and, in particular, go after District 4 candidate Greg Casar.


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