About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Texans for Fiscal Responsibility make endorsements
Friday, October 3, 2014 by Elizabeth Pagano
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility announced endorsements Wednesday, choosing five candidates in Austin’s City Council race. They endorse Mike Rodriguez (District 5), Jay Wiley (District 6), Ellen Troxclair (District 8), Erin McGann (District 9) and Bill Worsham (District 10). The group appears to be the nonprofit offshoot of Empower Texans. Their website explains that Empower Texans and Texans for Fiscal Responsibility help inform Texans about “policy solutions consistent with the principles of individual liberty and free markets.” By way of a mission statement, the website expands on this concept: “The greatest threat to our state’s economic growth and competitiveness is the weight of government on the economy. If government and taxes are allowed to grow without restraint, the economy will contract, thereby limiting opportunities for all Texans. We seek policy outcomes that provide increasing levels of economic liberty and opportunity for all Texans by controlling the size of government. Government power and reach must be strictly limited, with elected officials held accountable by active and informed citizens.”
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