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Jo Clifton is the Politics Editor for the Austin Monitor.
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Tovo to testify on TNC legislation
Thursday, April 9, 2015 by Jo Clifton
Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo is among those who will likely show up at this morning’s meeting of the Texas House Transportation Committee. Tovo plans to talk about HB2440, which would create state regulation of transportation network companies and eliminate local rules, such as those passed by Austin. Tovo told the Monitor, “I’ll be testifying on behalf of the city in opposition to the bill. Last fall — and after many hours of working groups, stakeholder input, and deliberation — the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that allows transportation network companies to operate within the City of Austin. The resulting ordinance reflects the input of many stakeholders, including the TNCs themselves. Austin and other cities should have the ability to craft regulations that meet the particular needs of their own communities. If passed, this bill would limit Austin’s ability to do just that: to protect the safety and welfare of our residents in the ways we deem best.”
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