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Transit partnership hosting town hall meetings

Monday, February 7, 2022 by Jo Clifton

The Austin Transit Partnership will host two virtual town hall meetings this week to hear from community members on their ideas concerning governance and equity in the creation of rail and bus lines that are part of Project Connect. ATP was created with the legal authority to finance Proposition A, which voters approved in 2020 to deliver a multi-modal rapid transit plan. The ballot language for Prop A and a joint powers agreement between the city and Capital Metro promised an independent board to oversee the project. The community advisory group for ATP and other local advocates have voiced their concerns about the independence of the board. There is also a concern that Capital Metro’s executive director, Randy Clarke, is also serving as executive director of ATP. The transit partnership hired transportation consultants at Eno Center for Transportation to produce a review of leadership and governance to advise its board on best practices and the best structure for Project Connect. The other major issue members of the public are expected to address is how the project plans to help residents who may be displaced by the new rail lines. Register in advance to receive the Zoom links for the meetings: town hall No. 1, Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 6 p.m.; and town hall No. 2, Saturday, Feb. 12, at 11 a.m.

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