About the Author
Elizabeth Pagano is the editor of the Austin Monitor.
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Weigh in on changes to Congress Avenue downtown
Thursday, November 21, 2024 by Elizabeth Pagano
A public survey about the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) will be open until this Sunday, Nov. 24, so anyone with opinions on the plan is advised to head on over to the Virtual Open House to register them now. The initiative, which is expected to use $22 million in 2020 mobility bond dollars for its initial phase, includes a series of changes to Congress between Cesar Chavez and 11th streets that aim to make the street a “more human-centered, multimodal, complete street with a clear and attractive identity.” The project is expected to run about $130 million total, with funding for its entirety not yet established. Right now, the city is looking to move forward with the funded first phase that proposes a protected bikeway and transforming the area into a pedestrian plaza. The survey, and more information on the plans, can be found here.
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