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Will high-speed rail come to Travis County?

Thursday, August 10, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

Travis County Judge Andy Brown wants in on a proposed high-speed rail project in Texas. Early Wednesday, Amtrak announced that it and Texas Central Partners are actively working to advance a proposed 205-mph rail project between Dallas and Houston and are currently trying to determine the viability of the rail line. As a news release from Brown explained, “Judge Brown wants to see a continuation of the proposed 240-mile line extending from College Station through Austin and then to San Antonio and beyond. The travel time between Houston and Dallas would be less than 90 minutes under the proposed plan. With the continuation through Travis County, travel time from Fort Worth to Austin, via Dallas, could also be under 90 minutes.” According to Brown’s office, he has met with stakeholders in Texas and Mexico over the past two years to discuss the line, and the recent $20 billion allocation from the Biden administration makes it the right time to invest in the long-simmering project. “Texans deserve fast, frequent, and reliable transit,” Brown said in a statement. “A high-speed passenger rail system connecting the largest communities in our state could create economic growth, address affordability issues, and promote a safer and more environmentally responsible way to travel for everyone. I’m excited about today’s announcement and want to send a clear message from Travis County: This is an investment in our future and an investment in the people who live in our communities.”

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