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Wirtz Dam getting new floodgates

Thursday, January 19, 2023 by Tai Moses

The Lower Colorado River Authority has kicked off work on what will be a three-year project to “remove and replace the 10 floodgates at Wirtz Dam to help ensure the dam continues to operate safely and reliably for years to come,” according to an announcement from the river manager. The 72-year-old dam has nine floodgates that are original and a 10th that was added in 1974. “Each floodgate will be carefully removed and replaced with a new custom-made floodgate that meets today’s engineering standards. The work will be conducted on one floodgate at a time to help ensure the dam remains operational and available to pass floodwaters downstream.” As LCRA’s John Hofmann explained, “We could do this project more quickly if we replaced multiple floodgates at once, but we are in Flash Flood Alley and that is not a viable option. Dams along the Highland Lakes play a critical role in managing floodwaters, and we have to maintain their readiness at all times.” According to the LCRA, the project will not impact the efficacy of the dam, and will not require lowering Lake LBJ. Read more about the renovation and improvement project here.

This whisper has been updated.

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