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Yard trimming collections delayed

Monday, April 27, 2015 by Elizabeth Pagano

Storms and high volumes of debris have delayed City of Austin yard trimming collections. As the city works to catch up with the backlog, it asks that residents proceed as usual and leave their yard trimmings at the curb until they are picked up. A city update also took the opportunity to remind residents of yard collection guidelines, which are:

  • Yard trimmings are grass clippings, leaves and small branches that are no longer than 5 feet and no thicker than 3 inches in diameter.
  • Place yard trimmings in paper lawn-and-leaf bags or reusable containers that are no larger than 34 gallons and no heavier than 50 pounds.
  • Use string or twine to tie small branches into bundles that are 50 pounds or less.

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