About the Author
Mark Richardson is a multimedia journalist, editor and writer who has worked in digital, print and broadcast media for three decades. He is a nationally recognized editor and reporter who has covered government, politics and the environment. A journalism graduate from the University of Texas at Austin, he was recently awarded a Foundation for Investigative Journalism grant and has three Associated Press Managing Editors awards for excellence in reporting.
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Zero Waste Commission cancels meeting
Thursday, September 11, 2014 by Mark Richardson
The Zero Waste Advisory Commission canceled its regular meeting set for Wednesday this week. The agenda had included discussion and action on proposed revisions to the Private Hauler Program, as well as discussion about proposed revisions to City Collection Services. Both of these items involve revising language in City Code. City Council has postponed its consideration of both items until Nov. 6 in order to allow for an expanded stakeholder process. Texas Disposal Systems’ Adam Gregory sent an email to the Zero Waste commissioners Wednesday, also requesting that they postpone action on the two items “until after the stakeholder process that Council discussed … actually occurs.” The next ZWAC regular meeting is scheduled for Oct. 8.
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